Making GeneChips® at Affymetrix

A technician uses a computer guiding system to align the filter mask in perfect register with the quartz wafer. The filter mask will block light to selected regions of the wafer. More nucleotides can be added to the exposed regions.
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15666. Making GeneChips® at Affymetrix
The quartz wafer is in the holding position on the DNA synthesizer. The wafer is moved to a vertical reaction vessel for the process of DNA chain elongation.
15662. Making GeneChips at Affymetrix
Here you can see a technician shuttling a quartz wafer (containing 50-400 GeneChips) between alternating photolithography and DNA synthesis steps.
15665. Making GeneChips at Affymetrix
A technician loads a quartz wafer into the DNA synthesizer, where nucleotides will be added to selected sequences to build probes.
15667. Making GeneChips® at Affymetrix
Here a technician aligns a quartz wafer, from which 50-400 GeneChips are prepared for mounting.
15663. Making GeneChips at Affymetrix
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