DNALC Support
Funds from a variety of federal agencies, private foundations, and endowments are crucial to the long-term sustainability of the DNALC. External funding supports the DNALC’s programs for local students and teachers, curriculum and infrastructure development, teacher training, and international collaborations.
Current Federal Grants
- National Institutes of Health—Citizen DNA Barcode Network: A Community-Based Infrastructure for Monitoring Biodiversity
- National Science Foundation—CyVerse: Cyberinfrastructure for the Life Sciences
- National Science Foundation—Implementing DNA Barcoding for Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experiences
- National Science Foundation—InnovATEBIO National Biotechnology Education Center
Current Non-Federal Grants
- Alfred P. Sloan Foundation—DNA Center NYC Start-up
- Beijing No. 166 High School—DNALC Collaboration Agreement
- Breakthrough Prize Foundation—Laboratory Design and Teacher Training for Breakthrough Junior Challenge Prize Winners
- National Grid Foundation—Genetics Advanced Education Program
- New York Harbor Foundation—Billion Oyster Project
- Pinkerton Foundation—Urban Barcode Research Program
- William Townsend Porter Foundation—DNALC For Underprivileged Students
- Richard Lounsbery Foundation—Richard Lounsbery Research Ready Project
- Simons Foundation—Urban Barcode Research Program
- Suzhou Industrial Park Administrative Committee—CSH Asia DNALC Collaboration Agreement
- Teva Pharmaceuticals—The DNALC Stem Access Fund to Support Usage of the DNALC by Under-Represented Minorities and Disadvantaged Students
- Edward Chernoff Fund
- DNALC General Fund
- Cedar Hill Foundation
- Estate of Wendy Russell
- Lola and John Grace
- Lessing Family Foundation
- OSI Pharmaceuticals
- Pall Corporation
- Rauch Foundation
- Doris M. and Peter S. Tilles Foundation
- Edwin S. Webster Foundation
- DNALC General Fund (NYC)
- The Perkin Foundation
- DNALC Unrestricted Fund
- Hearst Foundations
- Heartfelt Wings Fund
- Laurie Landeau Foundation (NYC)
- Thompson Family Foundation (NYC)