Four students in a DNALC lab classroom using microscopes.

Saturday DNA! Sessions

Add some DNA to your day!

Join us for exciting new Saturday DNA! sessions!
Eventbrite is used for registration and payment.

  • All seats in every session must be reserved using Eventbrite. We do not accept walk-ins.
  • Sessions are $25.00 per person, per session plus Eventbrite registration fee.
  • All sessions are two hours long.
  • The sessions are held at Cold Spring Harbor, Brooklyn, Sleepy Hollow, and our new location in Passaic County, New Jersey. Please check the location when registering.
    • Dolan DNA Learning Center at 334 Main Street, Cold Spring Harbor, NY 11724
    • DNA Learning Center NYC at City Tech at 62 Tillary Street, Brooklyn, NY 11201
    • Regeneron DNA Learning Center at 1 Rockwood Road, Sleepy Hollow, NY 10591
    • DNA Learning Center at Passaic County Biotechnology Innovation Center, 45 Reinhardt Road, Wayne, NJ 07470
  • The name and email address of each ticket purchaser must be included on your Eventbrite registration. We will not honor reservations that fail to provide this information. If you do not provide this information, your reservation will be cancelled and your registration fee will be refunded.
  • Seats for each session are awarded on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • A chaperone 18 or older may be required for students under 15 - refer to session descriptions for more information. Chaperones must purchase tickets and fully participate in all activities.
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Saturday, March 22, 2025
 at Cold Spring Harbor

Corals–Hiding in Plain Sight!

icon with drawing of the DNA Learning Center

Dolan DNA Learning Center
Cold Spring Harbor, NY
Ages 10-13, one adult chaperone 18 years or older required.

Join us to learn the fascinating facts behind corals and how DNA helps scientists identify them!

Corals are animals that play an important role in marine ecosystems, from providing food and shelter to other organisms, to protecting coastlines from storms. There are over 6,000 known species of corals, but did you know that some coral species look so similar that even scientists have trouble telling them apart? In this fun and interactive session, we will explore how researchers use DNA to identify these “cryptic” coral species—organisms that look the same but are genetically different.

In this session, participants will:

  • discover fascinating facts about corals and their different growth patterns;
  • use special guides to identify corals based on their features;
  • learn how marine biologists use molecular biology for conservation and identification; and
  • perform DNA sequence alignments to uncover hidden coral species.


  • Saturday, March 22, 2025
  • 10:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m.
  • Appropriate for ages 10–13
  • $25 per student plus Eventbrite fee
  • Dolan DNA Learning Center
    334 Main St, Cold Spring Harbor, NY 11724
  • Directions

Register on Eventbrite

Lodestone Reef CoralScape

Saturday, April 5, 2025
 at Sleepy Hollow

Got Lactase?

circular icon with drawing of the Regeneron DNA Learning Center

Regeneron DNA Learning Center
Sleepy Hollow, NY
Ages 10-13, no adult chaperone required, although parents are welcome to attend (must purchase their own ticket).

Over 60% of humans worldwide are lactose intolerant. In humans, lactose intolerance is considered an ancestral trait because mammals usually stop producing the digestive enzyme after weaning off their mothers’ milk. Does this happen in humans too? Why, then, are some humans able to continue drinking milk after infancy? Join us to better understand the very interesting story of how a combination of genetics and culture has affected our evolution.

In this session, participants will:

  • discuss the details of lactose intolerance, and how it affects different populations;
  • use enzymes to digest lactose; and
  • investigate the lactose levels of different dairy products.


  • Saturday, April 5, 2025
  • 10:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m.
  • Appropriate for ages 10–13
  • $25 per student plus Eventbrite fee
  • Regeneron DNALC
    1 Rockwood Road Sleepy Hollow, NY 10591
  • Directions

Register on Eventbrite

Saturday, April 5, 2025
in Passaic

From Genes to Proteins

circular icon with drawing of Passaic County Biotechnology Innovation Center

DNA Learning Center at Passaic County Biotechnology Innovation Center
Wayne, NJ
Ages 10-13, no chaperone required.

Join us to learn about how DNA makes up our unique genetic code!

You may have heard that DNA acts as the ‘brain’ of the cell, but what is all of that brainpower used for? At this event, we will create DNA, RNA, and protein models to visualize how our genetic code makes up our unique traits, paying special attention to how these molecules move across different parts of the cell. Following model creation, we will observe specific traits by looking at fruit flies with various mutations under a microscope!

In this session, participants will:

  • learn about the central dogma, the backbone of biology;
  • build DNA, RNA, and protein models to track the movement of the genetic code;
  • observe different mutations in fruit flies under a stereomicroscope.


  • Saturday, April 5, 2025
  • Appropriate for students ages 10–13
  • $25 per student plus Eventbrite fee
  • DNA Learning Center at Passaic County Biotechnology Innovation Center
    45 Reinhardt Road, Wayne, NJ 07470
  • Directions

Register on Eventbrite

Simple illustraion of several twisted ribbon of a DNA molecule overlaid in many directions.

Past Event

The Mystery of Anastasia

circular icon with drawing of the Brooklyn Bridge near DNA Learning Center NYC

DNA Learning Center NYC at City Tech
Brooklyn, NY
Ages 10-13, no adult chaperone required, although parents are welcome to attend (must purchase ticket).

Join us at the DNALC NYC in Brooklyn to help solve one of history's most enduring mysteries!

In this interactive class, you'll learn how forensic anthropology, handwriting analysis, and finally DNA science were used to answer the question: What happened to the lost princess, Anastasia Romanov?

In this session, participants will:

  • perform a computer-based lab;
  • use forensic techniques to investigate evidence; and
  • compare DNA sequences to determine identities.


  • Saturday, January 11, 2025
  • Appropriate for students ages 10–13
  • $25 per student plus Eventbrite fee
  • DNA Learning Center NYC at City Tech
    62 Tillary St, Brooklyn, NY 11201
  • Directions
Nicholas II of Russia with the family (left to right): Olga, Maria, Nicholas II, Alexandra Fyodorovna, Anastasia, Alexei, and Tatiana. Livadiya, Crimea, 1913. Portrait by the Levitsky Studio, Livadiya.

Gram-azing Bacteria

icon with drawing of the DNA Learning Center

Dolan DNA Learning Center
Cold Spring Harbor, NY
Ages 14+

Join us to learn about the technique that revolutionized our understanding of bacteria!

Come get up close and personal with the invisible world around us! Discover the power of the Gram stain, a fundamental procedure that revolutionized our understanding of bacteria. Developed in 1884, this procedure is now used in labs around the world to identify bacteria, determine antibiotic treatments, and diagnose infection. Join us to explore the science behind this powerful technique, and experience microbiology and microscopy firsthand!

In this session, participants will:

  • perform the Gram stain technique;
  • examine and identify bacteria under the microscope; and
  • discover the impact of Gram staining methods for bacterial identification.


  • Saturday, January 25, 2025
  • Appropriate for ages 14–adult
  • $25 per student plus Eventbrite fee
  • Dolan DNA Learning Center
    334 Main St, Cold Spring Harbor, NY 11724
  • Directions
Bacterial colonies gram stained microscopic show Staphylococcus aureus Bacteria. 
by Arif Biswas

Plasmid Manipulation

circular icon with drawing of the Regeneron DNA Learning Center

Regeneron DNA Learning Center
Sleepy Hollow, NY
Ages 14-adult, no adult chaperone required although parents are welcome to attend (must purchase their own ticket).

Plasmids are small pieces of bacterial DNA containing specialized genes that can help bacteria survive in adverse conditions. With molecular scissors called restriction enzymes, scientists can create synthetic plasmids that are used to genetically engineer bacteria to make human proteins such as insulin. Join us to explore how scientists cut and paste DNA molecules to create custom plasmids.

In this session, participants will:

  • use restriction enzymes to digest plasmids;
  • analyze plasmid restriction maps to predict the digestion results; and
  • visualize the results through gel electrophoresis.


  • Saturday, February 1, 2025
  • 10:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m.
  • Appropriate for ages 14+
  • $25 per student plus Eventbrite fee
  • Regeneron DNALC
    1 Rockwood Road Sleepy Hollow, NY 10591
  • Directions
dna gel photo

Mystery of the Iceman

icon with drawing of the DNA Learning Center

Dolan DNA Learning Center
Cold Spring Harbor, NY
Ages 10-13, one adult chaperone 18 or older required. Chaperones must purchase a ticket and fully participate in all program activities.

Join us to learn about the Iceman's fascinating life and mysterious death!

In the fall of 1991, two hikers in the Ötztal Alps came upon the mummified remains of a 5,300-year-old man. Now preserved in a climate-controlled freezer at the South Tyrol Museum of Archaeology, Ötzi's body and accompanying artifacts provide a window into life in Europe during the Copper Age. The mummy also provided a number of medical surprises. Although we think of Lyme disease as a new phenomenon that originated in Connecticut, Ötzi was infected with the Lyme disease microbe. His diet was filled with unprocessed, natural foods, yet he suffered from atherosclerosis. Most mysteriously, Ötzi died from an arrow shot to the back—his murderer had followed him up to the 10,200-foot pass where his body was found. How do scientists know all of these things? Join us to explore some of the interesting forensic techniques that have been used to understand more about the Iceman’s life and death.

In this session, participants will:

  • explore the Ötzi exhibit, featuring the first ever replica of the mummy;
  • use a computer activity to simulate how scientists and historians from different fields came together to study the Iceman; and
  • gather evidence from different departments of research and interpret the results to answer some of the mysteries surrounding Ötzi.


  • Saturday, February 8, 2025
  • 10:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m.
  • Appropriate for ages 10–13
  • $25 per student plus Eventbrite fee
  • Dolan DNA Learning Center
    334 Main St, Cold Spring Harbor, NY 11724
  • Directions
Otzi the iceman

Swab to Sequence: What happens when you send off your DNA?

circular icon with drawing of the Brooklyn Bridge near DNA Learning Center NYC

DNA Learning Center NYC at City Tech
Brooklyn, NY
Ages 16+

Join us at the DNALC NYC in Brooklyn to explore how genetic testing works.

If you’ve ever submitted or thought about submitting a DNA sample to companies like 23andMe®or®, you’ve likely been excited by the opportunity to learn more about your family history or relatives, but how does some saliva in a tube get translated into family trees?

In this session, participants will:

  • learn about how DNA is sequenced;
  • use bioinformatics techniques to analyze DNA sequences across individuals*;
  • explore how genetic testing companies build family trees;
  • discuss the potential pros and cons of DNA testing, specifically through the case of the Golden State Killer.

*Note, we will NOT be sequencing participant DNA in this session.


  • Saturday, February 22, 2025
  • 11:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m.
  • Appropriate for students ages 16+
  • $25 per student plus Eventbrite fee
  • DNA Learning Center NYC at City Tech
    62 Tillary St, Brooklyn, NY 11201
  • Directions
DNA Sequencing

The Mystery of Anastasia

circular icon with drawing of Passaic County Biotechnology Innovation Center

DNA Learning Center at Passaic County Biotechnology Innovation Center
Wayne, NJ
Ages 10-15, no adult chaperone required although parents are welcome to attend (must purchase their own ticket).

Join us to uncover the facts behind a royal ruse!

Many stories have been told about the Romanovs, the last royal family of Russia. In 1918, when the Romanovs went missing, there were rumors that the family was murdered. Yet in 1920 a woman claiming to be Princess Anastasia resurfaced in Germany and presented evidence to prove her identity as the missing princess. What evidence did she have? Could she be lying? Did anyone believe her? Join us and uncover answers to The Mystery of Anastasia!

In this session, participants will:

  • perform a computer-based lab;
  • use forensic techniques to investigate evidence; and
  • compare DNA sequences to determine the mystery woman’s identity.



  • Saturday, March 8, 2015
  • 10:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m.
  • Appropriate for students ages 10–15
  • $25 per student plus Eventbrite fee
  • DNA Learning Center at Passaic County Biotechnology Innovation Center
    45 Reinhardt Road, Wayne, NJ 07470
  • Directions
Nicholas II of Russia with the family (left to right): Olga, Maria, Nicholas II, Alexandra Fyodorovna, Anastasia, Alexei, and Tatiana. Livadiya, Crimea, 1913. Portrait by the Levitsky Studio, Livadiya.

ADEventures in Yeast Transformation ?

circular icon with drawing of the Brooklyn Bridge near DNA Learning Center NYC

DNA Learning Center NYC at City Tech
Brooklyn, NY
Ages 14-18; no adult chaperones required for this session.

Join us to transform an auxotrophic strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (baker’s yeast) so it can grow without adenine in the environment!

You might use yeast at home to make bread, but did you know that yeast is also a powerful model organism in scientific research? As eukaryotes, yeast cells are more similar to human cells than you might think! Yeast have been used in the study of the cell cycle, DNA replication and repair, and even aging. Auxotrophic yeast strains lack the ability to produce certain nutrients. Scientists use these strains in plasmid transformations, introducing plasmids carrying genes that restore the missing function. Only yeast that successfully take up the plasmid will grow in selective conditions, enabling researchers to study specific traits.

In this session, participants will:

  • learn about the budding yeast life cycle;
  • transform an adenine auxotrophic strain of S. cerevisiae to restore the ability to produce adenine and grow on media lacking adenine; and
  • discuss why yeast is a powerful model organism and learn about discoveries made using this tiny but useful organism.


  • Saturday, March 15, 2025
  • 1:00 p.m.–3:00 p.m.
  • Appropriate for students ages 14–18
  • $25 per student plus Eventbrite fee
  • DNA Learning Center NYC at City Tech
    62 Tillary St, Brooklyn, NY 11201
  • Directions
Saccharomyces cerevisiae, SEM image, 2016,
Authors: Mogana Das Murtey and Patchamuthu Ramasamy