Moving on to Poland - Doctors in the mental institutions being reassigned, Müller-Hill and Watson

Interviewee: Benno Müller-Hill, James Watson. Doctors and helpers who ran the gas chambers at mental institutions were reassigned to extermination camps in Poland. Here Benno Müller-Hill and James Watson discuss how the euthanasia techniques used at mental hospitals were transferred to the extermination camps in Poland. (DNAi Location: Chronicle > In the third reich > Applying the solution > Moving on to Poland)

And then far-sighted as they were, they stopped the thing, because they used the personnel which was active before here in the euthanasia, saying now in order to build up the destruction camps in Poland. For example, the man who was running this place here, a man named Abel, he became for two months in 1942, he became the chief of one of these, of one of these destruction camps, and because he supposedly had organizing experience. And then the minor people who were burning the corpses and so on, they all went to Poland and got then involved in killing Jews and burning the bodies and so on and so on. So it was just the same personnel who first killed the insane and then killed Jews and gypsies.

kaiser wilhelm institute,josef mengele,extermination camp,extermination camps,carbon monoxide gas,muller hill,mental institutions,james watson,university of frankfurt,gas chambers,zyclon b,human genetics,dnai,third reich,mental patients,environmental influences,otmar,eugenics,interviewee,gas chamber

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