Virtual Live Hands-on Field Trips

Live Hands-On labs can be scheduled for a time that is convenient for you and your students. In addition to a demonstration of lab techniques, discussion of relevant concepts, and analysis of results, students perform all or part of the wet lab alongside a DNALC educator. Individual kits (containing consumable materials not to be shared) are distributed to students, who can complete the lab either in school or from home.

Reservations for Live Hands-On labs must be made at least 3 weeks prior to instruction to allow time for student kit prep and delivery. Kits can be picked up at the Dolan DNALC in Cold Spring Harbor or shipped to your school—anywhere in the country!  Each class set will contain up to 35 individually packed student kits. Teachers will be responsible for distribution of kits.

Middle School (grades 5-8)

Lab Fee:

2023-24: $16/student (20 students minimum, $320)
The DNA Models and Observing Mutant Organisms kits have an additional $5 materials fee.

Lab Length:

40-60 minutes per class*
Up to 5 sequential classes can be scheduled per day (35 students max per class.)
*Dust Away Crime: The Science Behind Fingerprints lab is 2 hours in length.

High School (grades 9-12)

Lab Fee:

2023-24: $28/student (20 students minimum, $560)

Lab Length:

Live Hands-On high school labs will be taught in two sessions of 2 hours each. Student kits will contain consumable materials to perform a DNA isolation* (35 students max per class.) DNA samples will be batched by the teacher, and returned to the DNALC in person or by mail (at their own cost) for processing.

Session I (2 hours): Wet Lab - Guided by a DNALC instructor, students use kit materials to perform DNA isolations from their own*, or other animal / plant cells.  DNA samples will be batched by the teacher, and returned to the DNALC in person or by mail (at their own cost) for processing.

Session II (2 hours, 2 weeks after Session I): Analysis - DNALC instructor will demonstrate DNA processing techniques, including but not limited to: gel electrophoresis, PCR and DNA sequencing. Students will view their results as a class and conduct analysis of results using appropriate bioinformatics tools. Lab results will be uploaded to DNALC websites for further analysis and lab reports.

*Please be aware that our current protocol for DNA isolation from human cells requires collection of epithelial cells from the inside lining of the cheek. For safety reasons, we recommend that students perform this part of the lab from home. We are in the process of developing an alternate protocol for isolation from hair follicles, which will replace cheek cells for students who are in school full time.

Bioinformatics Field Trips (grades 10-12)

Lab Fee:


Lab Length:

2 hours

Bioinformatics field trips require students to have computers with Internet access to follow along and perform the bioinformatics exercises.