Charles Davenport letter to Francis Galton, about opening the Eugenics Record Office and the debt to him as founder of eugenics (10/26/1910)

Charles Davenport letter to Francis Galton, about opening the Eugenics Record Office and the debt to him as founder of eugenics (10/26/1910)
2094. [marginalia]Charles Davenport.[end marginalia] American Breeders' Association - Eugenics Section David Starr Jordan, Chairman C. B. Davenport, Secretary Eugenics Record Office H. H. Laughlin, Superintendent Cold Spring Harbor, Long Island, N.Y. Oct. 26, 1910 [stamped]University College London Galton Papers 235[end stamp] Sir Francis Galton, 42 Rutland Gate, London SW. My dear Galton: -- Your postcard of Oct 14, just received. I thank you for taking the trouble to reply - You must think me a nuisance to add thus even a letter to your correspondence. But I must tell you of recent events here. As the enclosed printed matter will show in some detail there has been started her a Record Office in [underscore]Eugenics[end underscore]. - So you see the seed sown by you is still sprouting in distant countries. And there is great interest in Eugenics in America, I can assure you. We have a plot of ground of 80 acres, near New York City, a house with a fire proof addition for our records. We have a superintendent, a stenographer, and two helpers besides to train field workers. These are all associated with the Station for Experimental Evolution, which supplies Experimental Evidence of the methods of heredity. We have a satisfactory income for a beginning and have established very cordial relations with institutions [end]
- ID: 12001
- Source: DNALC.EA