"The Second Indiana Sterilization Law," Eugenical News (vol. 15)

"The Second Indiana Sterilization Law," Eugenical News (vol. 15)
1889. [centered score] The Second Indiana Sterilization Law. It will be recalled that Indiana was the first of several states to enact an eugenical sterilization statute. This first law was approved March 9, 1907. It will be recalled also that in Indiana many more operations of eugenical sterilization were performed before the law was enacted than under its authority. The statute itself was declared unconstitutional by the state's Supreme Court on May 11, 1921, on the ground that it did not provide due process of law. Six years later, by statute approved March 11, 1927, the legislature of In- [end]
- ID: 11804
- Source: DNALC.EA