Review of Applied Eugenics, By Paul Popenoe and Roswell H. Johnson, Eugenical News (vol. 4)

Review of Applied Eugenics, By Paul Popenoe and Roswell H. Johnson, Eugenical News (vol. 4)

1876. 2 Eugenical News Applied Eugenics. At last we have a book that attempts to cover the field of practical eugenics. The authors are well known for their interest in and writings upon the subject. In the treatment of the subject the author begin by combating the errors of those who ignore heredity, or place little importance upon it; also, of those who think that external conditions and the acquisition of characters by use affect the germ plasm. Differences between men and the inheritance of mental differences are discussed. When it comes to the "laws of heredity" the authors decline to treat the subject in a systematic way and conclude that, for the purposes of this treatise, the biometric statements about heredity shall be utilized rather than the more analytical method of modern heredity studies. The chapter on Natural Selection (clearly by Johnson) is clear and good. There follow a brief history of the "eugenics movement." Next are treated in order the problems of the cacogenic classes and the way of increasing the fertility of the superior. Finally a number of "problems of the day," such as the color line, immigration, war, taxation, democracy, child labor, feminism, prohibition, and sex hygiene, are considered in the light of eugenics. There are 46 illustrations, some occupying a full page. The book is valuable as a first serious attempt to cover so large a field. Though it cites many references it does not claim bibliographical completeness. It does grapple courageously with such difficult matters as increasing the marriage and birth rate among the superior stock; and immigration. The treatment of democracy raises many moot questions. How can a true democracy declare what the people "ought to want"; and who are "the best"? These difficulties are passed in silence. The book is stimulating and thought provoking. It deserved the widest possible circulation, not only among eugenicists but all person interested in social progress. [hairline rule column-width] Paul Popenoe and Roswell H. Johnson. Applied Eugenics. N. Y. The MacMillan Co. 1918. 459 pp. $2.10. [centered score] Selecting the Executive. A professor or commerce has breadth of vision enough to write a book that treats of the need of the cooperation of genetics, somatology, psychology, and performance-tests in the selection of a business executive, such as the head of a great corporation. With a strong sweep he wipes phrenology, astrology, physiognomy, Blackfordism and the rest off the board. By use of the rating of 276 business men he finds that judgment, initiative, integrity and organizing ability are probably the four most important traits of the executive. He recognizes that these traits have inheritable factors. He adds, "The facts of heredity . . .must be sought objectively by trained field workers" and he kindly refers to the facilities offered by the Eugenics Record Office (p. 108). Professor Gowin sees also that the laboratory mental tests do not reveal the instinctive, emotional and volitional elements which are of decided importance in the executive work. This is a wonderful little book; full of good ideas and matured conclusions. It is better adapted to place the matter of appointments on a more satisfactory scientific basis manner than any other book we know. [hairline rule column-width ] E. B. Gowin, The Selection and Training of the Business Executive. N. Y.; MacMillan 1918. 225 p. $1.50. [end]

  • ID: 11791
  • Source: DNALC.EA