"Selection of Negroes," Eugenical News (vol. 2), eugenic effect of slave trading in the South

"Selection of Negroes," Eugenical News (vol. 2), eugenic effect of slave trading in the South
1873. [text from previous article] [centered score] Selection of Negroes. Julian Street says of the Virginian Negro: " . . .only the bad ones were 'sold South.' Thus the tendency was to keep well-behaved negroes in Virginia and to supply other states with the unruly ones. Naturally, then, the Virginia negro of to-day, being descended from 'selected stock' - as slave dealers' advertisements used to put it - may be expected to average somewhat higher in the human virtues than the offspring of slaves of the black belt," - "Collier's," January 27. [centered score] [text from article following] [end]
- ID: 11788
- Source: DNALC.EA