"Eugenicists Hail Their Progress as Indicating Era of Supermen," New York Herald Tribune (1932), review of Third International Eugenics Congress
"Eugenicists Hail Their Progress as Indicating Era of Supermen," New York Herald Tribune (1932), review of Third International Eugenics Congress
1811. Herald Tribune Eugenists Hail Their Progress As Indicating Are of Supermen [score] Scientists, in Congress Here, Advocate Birth Selection, Not Control, as Proper [centered score] During the last two decades the new eugenics has risen from a mire of ridicule to the solid foundation of a recognized and important social factor, Dr. Charles B. Davenport, president of the Third International Congress of Eugenics, said last night at a gathering of 200 geneticists from different parts of the world assembled in the American Museum of Natural History. He predicted that within two decades it would rise still further in public esteem and be regarded as the most important influence in human advancement. The same point of view was expressed in the papers of Dr. Henry Fairfield Osborn and Major Leonard Darwin, neither of whom was able to appear in person. Dr. Osborn's address set forth the theory that the only permanent remedy for present conditions was the improvement and uplift of the character of the human race through "prolonged and intelligent and humane birth selection aided by birth control." It is eleven years since the scientists assembled last, and the progress made during that period was illustrated throughout the day by charts, exhibits and in the thirty-eight papers delivered by internationally known experts. Birth control, immigration, problems of marriage and inheritance were all discussed at length. "In application there has been a slow but steady spread," said Dr. Davenport, reviewing the advance of the years in eugenics. "Sterilization as a useful aid in negative eugenics has been adopted in Denmark, largely through the activities of our colleague, Owen Hansen. England and the Netherlands are considering legislation on the subject. "The principle of national determination of immigration has become recognized. The seriousness of the act of mate selection is, I think, becoming increasingly recognized partly as a result of more instruction in eugenics given in the schools. Marriage advice stations have sprung up in Germany, and Gosney and Popenoe are responsible for an active center in Los Angeles." Dr. Davenport said he was optimistic enough to believe that young people more and more would be guided consciously as well as instinctively in making marriages that would insure physically, mentally and temperamentally well endowed offspring. Aims at Superman "Can we by eugenic studies point the way to produce the superman and the superstate?" Dr. Davenport went on. "Progress will come slowly. Man is a poor subject for experimental study; still worse to get to apply to himself established principles. But I think we are justified in having faith that the future will bring precise knowledge in human biology, and education will establish the desired mores." (over) [Note: photo of Dr. Charles B.Davenport appears in upper left of article.] [end]
- ID: 11726
- Source: DNALC.EA