"Proposed Clinic of Human Heredity," a plan prepared by Harry H. Laughlin as the basis for negotiations with the Carnegie Institution of Washington

"Proposed Clinic of Human Heredity," a plan prepared by Harry H. Laughlin as the basis for negotiations with the Carnegie Institution of Washington
1795. Private copy No. 18 For the personal use of [handwritten, underlined] President V. Bush Proposed Clinic of Human Heredity A tentative plan prepared by Harry H. Laughlin, In charge of the Eugenics Record Office, Carnegie Institution of Washington, Cold Spring Harbor, Long Island, N.Y. At the request of Mr. James G. Eddy* as the basis for negotiations with the Carnegie Institution of Washington. *Mr. James G. Eddy, 6100 Arcade Square, Seattle, Washington, who is the founder of the Institute of Forestry Genetics at the Placerville, Cal., has now become interested in the "human tree" - the racial and family-stock stuffs out of which the physical, mental, and spiritual qualities of the future people of American[sic] will be made. [end]
- ID: 11710
- Source: DNALC.EA