"Human Sterilization," Human Betterment Foundation (5)

"Human Sterilization," Human Betterment Foundation (5)
1758. [left side] The Human Betterment Foundation The Human Betterment Foundation is incorporated under the non-profit laws of California with twenty-five charter members eminent in a wide range of professional and business activities. The members elect a Board of Trustees who control and direct the work. The incorporators of this foundation, of which Mr. Gosney is president, are as follows (members of the Board of Trustees being marked with an asterisk): *E.S. Gosney, Pasadena *Henry M. Robinson, Banker, Los Angeles George Dock, M.D., Pasadena Herbert M. Evans, Director Institute of Experimental Biology, University of California, Berkeley. Samuel J. Holmes, Associate Professor of Zoology, University of California, Berkeley. Rabbi Rudolph I. Coffee, Oakland, California Lewis M. Terman, Professor of Psychology, Stanford University David Starr Jordan, Chancellor Emeritus, Stanford University (deceased) *C. M. Goethe, Philanthropist, Sacramento *Justin Miller, Dean of the College of Law, Duke University, Durham, N.C. Charles H. Prisk, Publisher, the Star-News, Pasadena Rev. Robert Freeman, Pastor, First Presbyterian Church, Pasadena Rev. Merle Smith, Pastor, First Methodist Church, Pasadena A. B. Ruddock, Philanthropist, Pasadena *William B. Munro, Professor of History and Government, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena John Vruwink, M.D., Los Angeles Mrs. E. S. Gosney, Pasadena *Otis H. Castle, Attorney, Pasadena and Los Angeles Mrs. Otis H. Castle *Joe G. Crick, Horticulturist, Pasadena Mrs. Joe G. Crick A. D. Shamel, Physiologist, Bureau of Plant Industry, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Riverside, California Oscar Ford, former mayor of Riverside, California Paul McBride Perigord, Professor of French Civilization, University of California in Los Angeles *Paul Popenoe, Director, The Institute of Family Relations, Los Angeles R.B. von KleinSchmid, President, the University of Southern California, Los Angeles This organization is not designed to take up original scientific research work, but rather to investigate the results and possibilities for human betterment by a safe, conservative application of the discoveries made by science, and to give this information to the public. Its first major problem is to take over the investigation of the possibilities of race betterment by eugenic sterilization, heretofore personally directed by E. S. Gosney of Pasadena, California, and to publish the results. In a few years the public will be familiar with the facts and the subject may be dropped. The scope of this foundation is as broad as the name indicates and is restricted only to conservative, preventive work for humanity, as distinguished from ordinary charity relief work, or patch work. Its goal is the constructive, practical advancement and betterment of human life, character, and citizenship in such manner as to make for human happiness and progress in this life. Sufficient funds have been provided by Mr. Gosney to perpetuate the work indefinitely on a scale as large as or larger than at present and no solicitations for additional funds have been made. The possibilities of fundamental, constructive, and preventive work along these lines are, however, so wide that they are limited only by the ability and number of workers. The Human Betterment Foundation is not designed to perpetuate anyone's name or to be a monument to any individual; but to be a center from which effective, constructive work can be carried on by all who feel the importance of such work and are in a position to help, either by the contribution of capital, or by the contribution of talent. The articles of incorporation leave the feature free from undue limitations of organization and policy. Eugenic sterilization represents only the first of a series of major problems that will from time to time be taken up. The officers and trustees will be glad to continue with anyone who would like to aid in the work above outlined or to make use of the opportunities offered by this organization to realize his own ideals in the promotion of race betterment. [double hairline score] The Human Betterment Foundation 321 Pacific Southwest Building Pasadena, California 11 [end]
- ID: 11673
- Source: DNALC.EA