Interview on race mixing for Mongrel Virginians, by Ivan McDougle and Gwendolyn Watson (April 24, 1924) (1)

Interview on race mixing for Mongrel Virginians, by Ivan McDougle and Gwendolyn Watson (April 24, 1924) (1)
1429. #4 white man. Didn't stay more than three weeks. He stopped in Columbus and no one asked him who he was or what he was. Old [obscured] said he reckoned they could tell by looking at him what he was. [obscured] Good hand when you hired him but wouldn't work out by himself. [obscured] Talks good and easy but not one word he says is the truth half the time. [obscured] Called a very good hand to work. [obscured] Not much account to do anything. No harm in him. [obscured] Hasn't got much sense. Works as good as he can according to what he's got. [obscured] father of [obscured] was a full blooded white man but he was raised among free negroes. Had a brother [obscured] who lived in [obscured] County and he was very well thought of and owned considerable property. [obscured] Steal anything he can get his hands on. Very good hand to work. Has lived with [obscured] ten or twelve years. [obscured] Good worker. His wife was a [obscured]. Says she is a descendant of old [obscured] who lived up in the mountains. They come down from the mountains to visit. They are all related. [obscured] m. [obscured] Carpenter and handy man. No harm in him. Seven eights black with straight hair. [obscured] White woman. Sister to [obscured] mother. These white women {Lawlesses] were low down and went off among negroes. [obscured] His father was supposed to be [obscured] who was black. [obscured] Married [obscured] who was a yellow negro with kinky hair. Killed another nigger about her and then they split up. [end]
- ID: 11388
- Source: DNALC.EA