Interview on race mixing for Mongrel Virginians, by Ivan McDougle and Gwendolyn Watson (April 24, 1924)

Interview on race mixing for Mongrel Virginians, by Ivan McDougle and Gwendolyn Watson (April 24, 1924)
1428. #3 Interview With [obscured] April 24, 1924 Ivan E. McDougle and Gwendolyn Watson [obscured] Black. Aunt of [obscured]. Supposition is that father of [obscured] was [obscured] who was killed during the war. [obscured] Considered the best one to work. Mighty mean nigger. Ran off to Johnson City because the colored people got after him for beating his children. [obscured] No account. [obscured] A straight negro. Very mean. Killed three [obscured]. Mother white. [obscured] known to kill the fellow he took his name from. Lived around here after he came out of the penitentiary for killing [obscured]. [obscured] Called her old aunt [obscured]. Little brown skinned negro - nearly full blood [obscured] Brother of [obscured], married [obscured]. No children. Just a yellow negro. [obscured] Brother of [obscured]. Had a negro for a wife. [obscured] Just like the others. Half negro. Half white. [obscured] Son of [obscured], sister of [obscured]. Half white. [obscured] Kind of a yellow fellow. No account. His wife was a white woman to look at. [obscured] Chop wood and that's about all. Not fit for anything. When Abraham Lincoln freed the negroes in the South he never freed a sorrier one. Looks like a black negro. [obscured] Sorry negro but he would work alright. His wife [obscured] was a sister of [obscured]. [obscured] Married [obscured] who was one fourth white but was very black. [obscured] always went with the negroes. [obscured] Decided he would go out to Ohio to be a [end]
- ID: 11387
- Source: DNALC.EA