Brochure advertising Mongrel Virginians, by Arthur H. Estabrook and Ivan E. McDougle (1)

Brochure advertising Mongrel Virginians, by Arthur H. Estabrook and Ivan E. McDougle (1)
1326. Some Questions to Which "MONGREL VIRGINIANS" Points the Answer [score] [graphic of question mark] Is the purity of the white race in the South being threatened by intermixture? Is it a fact that any white race subject to continuous contact with the Negro, ultimately becomes mongrelized? Is such mixture helpful or detrimental, socially and sociologically? Are the children of mixed unions of a generally higher or generally lower grade of intelligence and character? Are the best interests of races conserved by maintaining a color line or by abolishing it? Is it true that there are no Indians in the South free from inextricable intermixture with negro blood? What is the effect of racial intermixture on public health, particularly with reference to venereal disease and tuberculosis? When races intermix, does the inheritance of the more primitive, more generalized stock dominate the more specialized stock, or vice versa? [score] MONGREL VIRGINIANS does not attempt categorical answers; but it supplies the facts, findings and date from which any intelligent person may draw his own conclusions [end]
- ID: 11293
- Source: DNALC.EA