Sermon #56: Religion and Eugenics AES Sermon Contest 1927, #6 (4)

Sermon favorable to eugenics based on theory of progress and eugenics as enlightenment and a triumph over ignorance and superstitition.
805. [page heading] Eugenics --- page #5 [end page heading] the necessity of exercising great care in the selection of the breeding stock for the race becomes more imperative if the fittest are to survive. The indiscriminate breeding of the human race has been one of the most flagrant sins of society against the unborn child. For society to permit the tubercular, the syphilitic, the physically unfit to perpetuate their kind is a sin unpardonable in these days of scientific knowledge. If the germ plasm be defective, the resultant progeny comes into the world damned with a predisposition to disease and to pronounced inability to reach a healthy and normal development, no matter how favorable the environment. Environment cannot wholly overcome a defective heredity. "Blood will tell". [crosshead within text] II - INTELLECTUAL REBIRTH. [end crosshead] "Ye must be born again" - intellectually, is the second message of Eugenics to society. Brains, as well as bodies, are inherited. Like begets like in the intellectual realm as well as in the realm of the physical. A great artist was one time asked with what he mixed his paints. "Brains" was his keen reply. The modern Eugenics program for the betterment of the race calls for the mixture of the germ plasm with brains. The more brains the better. Eugenics is not concerned about producing supermen or the making of geniuses to order; but it is deeply concerned with the production of a higher degree of intelligence and ability which is essential to cope with the vexed economic, social, political and religious problems that present themselves for solution. It is also concerned with the production of a type of intelligence that will not
- ID: 10787
- Source: DNALC.EA