"The science of eugenics and sex-life, love, marriage, maternity: the regeneration of the human race," by W.J. Hadden, C.H. Robinson, and M.R. Melendy (21)

"The science of eugenics and sex-life, love, marriage, maternity: the regeneration of the human race," by W.J. Hadden, C.H. Robinson, and M.R. Melendy (21)
628. 96 Sterilization The Eugenics Record Office was organized in October, 1910, by Dr. Charles B. Davenport, with funds provided by Mrs. E. H. Harriman, who has remained the principal patron of the work, and who has spent and is spending millions of dollars for the "betterment of the race." The purposes of the Office, as set forth in the original statements made at the time of organizing, are "to serve and eugenical interests in the capacity of repository and clearing house; to build up an analytical index of the traits of American families; to study the forces controlling and the hereditary consequences of marriage matings, differential fecundity, survival and migration; to investigate the manner of inheritance of specific human traits; to advise concerning the eugenical fitness of proposed marriages; to train field workers to gather data of eugenical import; to maintain a limited field force actually engaged in gathering data for eugenical studies; to cooperate with other institutions and with persons concerned with eugenical study; to encourage new centres of eugenical research and education; to publish the results of researches and to aid in the dissemination of eugenical truths." John D. Rockefeller's Work Contributing to the support of the institution with Mrs. Harriman is John D. Rockefeller; and in the administration of its affairs stand Alexander Graham Bell, inventor of the telephone, scientist and philanthropist, as chairman of the directing board; Dr. William H. Welch, pathologist of Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, vice chairman; Dr. Lewellys F. Barker, of Johns Hopkins, president of the National Commission for Mental Hygiene; Dr. T.H. Morgan, zoologist of New York; Irving Fisher, professor of Political Economy at Yale, and Dr. E. E. Southard, the famous pathologist, of Boston. Dr. Charles B. Davenport, who is prominent as a biologist, is the secretary and resident director of the office, with Prof. Howard J. Banker, of De Pauw University, as scientific expert, and H. H Laughlin as superintendent.
- ID: 10615
- Source: DNALC.EA