"Courses in eugenics, University of Pittsburgh" (2)

"Courses in eugenics, University of Pittsburgh" (2)
495. Biology 29. Social Hygiene. This course deals with the ethics and hygiene of sex and the methods of education of the young in these subjects. Its scope includes the origin and evolution of sex, the psychology of sex, sexual selection, sexual immorality, and its control, venereal diseases, their relation to infant mortality, eugenic aspects of sex ethics and hygiene and the sex education of the child and youth. Dr. A.B. Wallgren and Dr. Elizabeth L. Martin will each give one of the lectures. This course is intended for parents, social workers, and teachers who are interested in the instruction of the young in sexual ethics and hygiene. No previous biological training required. Saturdays at 11:30 A.M. These courses given in the Spring Term begin the week of April 7th and end June 21st. They will be repeated in the Summer Term, June 23d-August 30th. The fee for those meeting once a week is $3.00 per term, and $6.00 for those meeting twice a week. Those desiring a more thorough course in eugenics should take the courses in General Biology, Variation, Heredity and Breeding, and Organic Evolution. Communications may be addressed to Dean J. C. Fettermann, Dean of the College, University of Pittsburgh, Grant Blvd., Pittsburgh, Pa. 1197
- ID: 10489
- Source: DNALC.EA