"Man believed white weds Negro woman," Louisville Courier

"Man believed white weds Negro woman," Louisville Courier
466. Louisville Courier 4/13/21 Man Believed White Weds Negro Woman Carl Johnson, Jeffersonville Arrested on Charge of Miscegenation. Carl Johnson, who claims to be a negro, was arrested last night at his home, 514 Broadway, Jeffersonville, where he resides with his negro wife, married recently at New Albany. He is charged with miscegenation. Johnson, 29 years old, applied for a marriage license three weeks ago at Jeffersonville. He was denied it when the clerk noted the contrasting colors of man and woman. The latter is black, the former as white as the average Caucasian. On April 9 Johnson and the woman, Grace Henson, 27, went to New Albany. They obtained a license from Aaron V. Johnson, clerk, and were married by E. Louis Rafferty, negro minister. Constable Harvey B. Holmes, Jeffersonville, learned of the marriage yesterday. Holmes went to school with Johnson at Sellersburg and says that he knew Johnson's father and other members of the family, and that Johnson has white relatives living. Johnson insists that he is a negro, but has offered no proof. The penalty for miscegenation is a fine of from $100 to $1,000 and a prison sentence of from one to ten years.
- ID: 10460
- Source: DNALC.EA