Minutes of the Eugenics Section, 8th annual meeting of the American Breeders Association, with resolution to organize immigration committee

Minutes of the Eugenics Section, 8th annual meeting of the American Breeders Association, with resolution to organize immigration committee

404. Human Inheritance in Eugenics". On motion of Dr. W.M. Hays the following resolution was adopted;- Resolved; That the Eugenics Section organize a permanent committee on immigration, with authority to cooperate with similar committees of other organizations in securing laws which will be more effective in securing emigrants which bring good health and only normal and superior heredity to this country. After luncheon provided by Dr. White an opportunity was given for visiting to the hospital. The following officials were selected at the sectional meeting of Ddecember 30th, Dr. E.R. Southard, chairman; Dr. H.H. Goddard, Vinoland, W.J., vice chairman; Dr. C.B. Davenport, secretary. D/G

  • ID: 10399
  • Source: DNALC.EA