Student study of inheritance of musical ability, including pedigree (1)
This pedigree is an excellent example of the mis-use of scientific principles of genetics by the eugenics movement. As with Mendel's sweet peas, one musically talented" individual, breeding with one without musical talent is "shown" here to produce those with musical ability, those without and those (heterozygotes) who were merely musically inclined. It is interesting to note that the number of "musically talented" individuals is far above what a modern geneticist would expect, even from a dominant trait, therefore suggesting something NOT genetic -- such as family preference and training -- was at work.
040. Student Pedigree Studies. The Inheritance of Musical Ability W.C. Northrup, Univ. of Wyoming I,1 and 2, are the pioneers of this family. I,1, was very musical, playing the piano and several stringed instruments, and was also a music teacher. This mating produced six offspring, all of whom were more or less musical. II,1, played the piano, guitar, banjo, clarinet, and bass violin. His wife was not musical but their four children were all musically inclined. II,3, played the organ and piano. Her husband was not musically inclined. Their children were all musically inclined but died young. II,5, played the piano and taught music. She married a man not musically inclined and had four daughters all musical and two sons who did not care for musical instruments. II,7, was born blind and never learned to play any instrument but loved music very much. He died at about middle age. II,9, played a few stringed instruments and made violins. He has around a dozen violins and is the owner of one of the original Stradivarius violins. He married a woman who loved music and they have a daughter who is now a great musician. II,11, played the piano, organ, and violin. She played in the New York Symphony orchestra. She married late in life and has no children. III,1, played the piano and several stringed instruments. He was killed at the age of sixteen. III,2, loved music but did not play much himself. At one time he played the drums in a band. He died two years ago at the age of 38. III,3, plays the bass horn in a band and the violin and cornet in an orchestra. He also plays the piano, banjo, guitar, uke, and saxophone. MAR 13 1935 indexes
- ID: 10040
- Source: DNALC.EA