Genetics and Biotechnology
Footlocker Kits

From the DNA Learning Center NYC

To assist in the implementation of targeted labs, Footlocker Kits are available for rental by eligible teachers (see below).

  • Each kit will contain all the equipment and replenishable materials for up to 4 classes to complete a lab or set of labs.
  • Kits can be rented for up to 2 weeks for a restocking fee of $75 per class.
  • Scholarships may be available for schools unable to pay rental fees.
  • Upon request, DNALC NYC instructors will assist with kit implementation at school, free of charge.
  • Kits must be picked up at the DNALC NYC at City Tech.

Rental Eligibility:

Prior participation in a DNALC NYC or Harlem DNA Lab Professional Development workshop(s) corresponding to the Footlocker Kit of choice is required to be eligible for kit rental. Each workshop session integrates the use of corresponding Footlocker Kits, so teachers are familiar with equipment use and lab preparation for each activity. Additionally, participants are introduced to online resources designed to provide teacher support in the form of lesson plans, student worksheets, lab protocols and biomedia links for each of the targeted labs. There are no workshops scheduled at this time.

If you would like to sign up to rent a kit, please download and complete the Footlocker Application Form and email it to

When you pick up your kit, you need to submit a Student Demographic Form for each class that will use the kit. These can also be emailed to

Footlocker Downloads:

  • Application Form (Word) or ( PDF)
  • Student Demographic Form (Word) or ( PDF)
  • Student Permission Slip (PDF)

Available Footlocker Kits:

Variability, Inheritance, DNA Structure, and DNA Isolation

4 Labs: 1 CASE

This kit includes materials to complete four basic lab activities:

  1. Introduction to Mendelian Inheritance, using maize as a model for the demonstration of dominant and recessive inheritance.
  2. Observation of genetic mutations in Drosophila fruit flies.
  3. Constructing DNA models Lab
  4. DNA extraction from wheat germ.


  • Hybrid corn cobs
  • Drosophila (dead) with assorted mutations
  • "Bug Box" magnifiers for Drosophila observations
  • Popsicle sticks, masking tape and wire for DNA models
  • Ethanol, soap buffer solution, wheat germ, plastic loops
  • Screw cap plastic test tubes, tube racks, plastic droppers, tube labels

NOTE: Teacher is responsible for labeling tubes and aliquoting solutions for the DNA extraction.

Bacterial Transformation or Protein Isolation

1 Lab, 2 CASES

Observe first-hand that genes code for traits! Using a plasmid vector, harmless E.coli bacteria are transformed with the GFP (Green Fluorescent Protein) gene, normally found in the Pacific jellyfish Aequoria Victoria. If successful, the bacteria will produce the bioluminescent jellyfish protein, and glow! This experiment utilizes techniques used by pharmaceutical companies to make human proteins such as Insulin. By special request only, an additional set of materials can be included to extract and purify GFP from transformed bacteria.


  • Micropipets and sterile tips
  • Bacteria, plasmids, Luria Broth, calcium chloride
  • Petri dishes with LB agar and LB agar plus ampicillin (antibiotic)
  • Waterbath with thermometer
  • Sterile glass beads for bacterial spreading
  • 1.5 ml tubes, labels, tube racks, markers, plastic beakers

NOTE: Teacher is responsible for labeling tubes and aliquoting solutions for this lab, and must supply ice during lab and bleach for clean-up. Teacher must have a refrigerator to store reagents and Petri dishes.

DNA Analysis and Forensics

1 Lab, 3 CASES

In this lab, students use the same techniques that scientists and detectives use to analyze DNA. DNA is digested by EcoRI, Hind III and "mystery" restriction enzymes. The resulting DNA fragments and their unique gel patterns or "fingerprints" are analyzed by gel electrophoresis, and the "mystery" enzyme is indentified.


  • Micropipets and sterile tips
  • Water bath and thermometer
  • 1.5 ml tubes, labels, tube racks, markers, plastic beakers
  • Gel electrophoresis chambers and power supplies
  • Microcentrifuge
  • Digital camera with UV transilluminator
  • Bacteriophage Lambda DNA, restriction enzymes, restriction buffer, dH2O, 1% Agarose, and ingredients for TBE electrophoresis buffer
  • Practice loading dye and loading dye with Sybr-Green DNA stain

NOTE: Teacher is responsible for labeling tubes and aliquoting solutions. Teacher must also supply a heat source (microwave) for melting agarose, a refrigerator/freezer for storage of reagents and bottled water in 1-liter bottles to make TBE electrophoresis buffer.

PCR and Human DNA Variation, Parts I OR Part II

1 Lab, 2 CASES

In each of these labs, students will extract and amplify their own DNA.* Using Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) each participant will amplify a specific region of their own DNA and use gel electrophoresis to analyze the results. Teachers have the option of using primers to:

  • Part I: amplify a "jumping gene" on chromosome 16 (an Alu insertion) to determine if students are homozygous or heterozygous for the inheritance of the 300 base pair insertion. Results will be read on an agarose gel.
  • Part II: amplify a small portion of mitochondrial DNA that can be sent to Azenta to be sequenced, and uploaded to the BioServer website for sequence comparison. Teacher is responsible for creating an Azenta account and covering sequencing costs (~$3/sample)
  • Part III: amplify a highly variable tandem repeat polymorphism region of chromosome 1. This is similar to what the FBI uses to create a genetic profile. Through gel and DNA chip analysis students will be able to identify their genotype. Teachers will need to send 5 uL of each DNA sample back to the DNA Learning Center for DNA chip analysis.


  • Micropipets and sterile tips
  • Thermocycler
  • Gel electrophoresis chambers and power supplies
  • UV transilluminator
  • Microcentrifuge
  • 1.5 ml tubes, markers, tube racks, labels
  • Chelex, Primer mix, Ready-to-Go PCR beads
  • 2% Agarose pre-stained with GelGreen and ingredients for TBE electrophoresis buffer
  • Practice loading dye

NOTE: Teacher is responsible for labeling tubes and aliquoting solutions. Teacher must also supply plastic or paper cups, bottled water and salt to make and aliquot saline solution, heat source (microwave) to melt agarose and refrigerator/freezer for storage of reagents.

* By law, any student under the age of 18 must submit a permission slip (included in kit) signed by a parent or guardian prior to participation in this lab.